
on social media, journalism, tech, design and other stuff

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Hi. I'm a former journalist and Malaysian correspondent to CNet, ZDnet, Newsbytes (Washington Post-Newsweek Interactive wire agency), Nikkei Electronics Asia and I also previously contributed to The Star, The Edge, The New Straits Times, The New Zealand Herald and various magazines. Currently, I train and advise managers and executives on strategies to optimize their use of social media and online channels to reach customers. My company, Trinetizen Media, runs media training workshops on social media, media relations, investor relations, corporate blogging,multimedia marketing, online advertising, multimedia journalism and crisis communications. You can connect with me on Facebook , LinkedIn, Twitter or Google+.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Spin the haze game

How corrupt Southeast Asian governments, their cronies and the media play the Spin-The-Haze Game annually
  1. Roll dice, then blame Indonesian player for cheating. 
  2. Indonesian player blames Malaysian and Singaporean players instead and asks them to be “Sent To Jail.” 
  3. Malaysian and Singaporean players roll dice, move two steps forward, deny Indonesian claim, instead point fingers at errant nearby farmers and smallholders encroaching on their Rented Property. 
  4. Players land on Chance, take card, which reads: “Banker calls to form ASEAN task force to formulate joint-action plans that never work.” (May include trip to Russia for ‘lawatan sambil belajar’ ie. junket) 
  5. Players land on Community Chest, take card, which reads: “Close airports, tourism spots and schools; ban open burning.” 
  6. After one round, all players then decry loss of tourism dollars; students losing valuable schooling time; and empathise with poor slash-and-burn farmers. 
  7. Players land on Community Chest again, take card, which reads: “Distribute masks to motorists, students, street workers, tourists etc in big show just for media coverage.” 
  8. Media players join game and covers how haze is affecting children, the elderly, asthmatics, zoo animals, pets, birds, construction workers, window cleaners, etc. 
  9. Citizens join game and debate why use of N95 masks is more effective than surgical masks ad infinitum; debate accuracy of API/PSI pollutant readings ad nauseum. 
  10. Media players list ten ways to fight haze -- always conclude with 'drink more water' advice; point to dangers of cancer risk 15 years from now, even though 15 years have passed. 
  11. Opposition players join game and calls for haze to be urgently debated in parliament and fines imposed on offending players. Incumbents downplay issues and ignore opposition players. 
  12. Two months later, all is forgotten, incumbent players pass Go, collect $200, get more loans from Banker and roll dice again next year.